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Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

0 Driving exciting tips when it rains - MELEK TEKNO

Driving exciting tips when it rains

Driving exciting tips when it rains


The risk of driving accidents is higher when driving in wet conditions (rain). But all could bein anticipation to always drive with high vigilance. When heavy rains customarily reduced visibility especially in the intensity of heavy rain. The streets are also more slippery thancustomarily, not to mention the eyes become tired quickly following a few tips to minimizethe risk of accidents when it rains released guard auto racing team.


Driving exciting tips when it rains

If the normally dry time we have to keep a distance of 2 seconds to the front of the car, in the rain increased to 3 seconds. how to calculate way, gunamkan 1001..1001..1003normally, when the car in front of reaching a sign on the road, example power lines.
If before it reaches the word "1003" Your car has to sign it, means too close and mustadjust the distance again. Safe distance is very important, because when wet braking distances become much longer even though the car has been equipped with ABS.

B. AVOID sudden maneuvers
Driving exciting tips when it rains
Sudden maneuvers include acceleration, braking and turning, should be avoided. On slippery roads, it is easy to maneuver the car out of control. Control your car is more subtlethan customarily.


Driving exciting tips when it rains

Turning on the hazard when the rain is a big mistake. Hazard makes the driver behind oureyes get tired because the light flicker. In addition, a hazard that we can not activate the turn signal when they want to move the path, also resulted in sensitivity riders behind tobrake lights on our cars to be reduced. The risk of getting hit from behind even bigger.When torrential rain, fog lights or lamps turn a normal large. This alone is enough.

D. Avoid Right Track In Toll

Due to slightly convex contour toll road, then drive in the right lane makes you susceptiblehit a puddle. It can make you lose control of the car. In addition, when in the right lane youare easily exposed to splashes of water from the opposite lane, and this will greatlydisturb visibility.

Driving exciting tips when it rains

If we are forced to brake suddenly and the car is not equipped ABS, watch out for symptoms tire lock, so the tire was locked, use less brake pedal to get the wheels turning again. When the tire lock, the car can not be controlled with the steering wheel and the braking distance is longer.

F. DO NOT break through FLOOD
Driving exciting tips when it rains

When we drive in the rain and met with waterlogging or flooding better avoid and look for a safe place.


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